Deck Builders

Custom Decks In Central Wisconsin

Custom Deck Building
in Birnamwood, WI & All of Central Wisconsin

Serving Southern Oneida County, Southern Forrest County, Lincoln County and Western Shawano County.

Straight and simple to endless curves or second story balconies, at Schwanz Custom Homes, we can do it all. There are endless design options for your new deck. Just a facelift could include tearing up the existing deck boards, verifying the structure is sound, and putting down new treated decking.

Maybe you would like to upgrade to cedar decking or even composite decking such as TREX®. Some even combine materials for added design options. Glass and cable rails are becoming more popular. Perhaps you are leaning toward a more rustic look with log and wrought iron. Bring us YOUR IDEAS and we will build them into YOUR new DECK.

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